Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Our Shipping, Products, and Services

Where do you ship to?

We currently ship to Canada and the USA.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping time varies depending on your location. Standard shipping typically takes 3-9 business days. Our priority is to deliver your order as soon as possible.

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping on orders over $75 to Canada and the USA. A flat rate of $13 is also available.

Do you offer local pick-up?

Certainly! We offer free local pickup in Langford, BC.

Can I cancel my order or change my address?

We always strive to accommodate order cancellation requests, but only if the order status is unfulfilled. To cancel an order, please send an email to info@kemkidsco.com with the subject “CANCEL ORDER”. Please note that once an order is fulfilled, we cannot process cancellations or address changes.

If you need to change the delivery address, please email us ASAP with the correct address in your initial inquiry and include “ADDRESS CHANGE” in the subject line.

My order is lost or delayed in transit. What should I do?

Please contact your postal carrier (USPS, Fedex, or Canada Post) and provide them with your tracking information. Contact us at info@kemkidsco.com for additional help.

Unfortunately, delivery speeds are outside of our control. We understand that postal delays can be frustrating, and we're here to provide assistance in any way possible.

Where are your products made and are they ethically sourced?

We're proud to say that most of the brands we carry are from Korea and we also work with a reputable supplier in China who we trust. We believe in providing our customers with high-quality products and we take great care in selecting our suppliers. Our suppliers must meet our strict standards for quality, safety, and ethical business practices.

We understand the importance of fair wages and we prioritize working with suppliers who share this value. We ensure that the workers who produce our products are paid fairly for their hard work.

In addition to our international brands, we are proud to carry products from other women-owned businesses in Canada. As a company, it's important to us to support local businesses.

Is the sizing true to size?

Our store carries different brands, and sizing may vary slightly for each item. For sizing assistance, please contact us at info@kemkidsco.com or send us a message via the chat box on our website. You can also reach us on Instagram @kemkidsco.

Care Instructions, how should I care for my products?

Taking proper care of your baby and toddler's clothes is essential to ensure their longevity. Most products require a wash with cold water and drying on low heat, with the garment turned inside out. This helps to preserve the fabric and prevent any damage or shrinkage during the washing process. For more delicate items, it's recommended to hand wash them and lay them flat to dry to maintain their shape and colour.

Why do you have a pre-order collection?

We offer a pre-order collection to provide more choices for our customers. This also enables us to know our customer's favourites so we can stock up accordingly.


Are your Disney and Sanrio products properly licensed?

Yes! All of our Disney and Sanrio products are from brands in Korea. They are designed and made in Korea and are properly licensed. We take great care to ensure that all of our products adhere to licensing requirements and guidelines. You can trust that when you purchase any Disney or Sanrio product from us, it is a authentic item that has been licensed for sale.

What is Afterpay?

Afterpay is a convenient service that enables our customers to buy items now and pay for them later in four equal installments every two weeks, without incurring any interest.

If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! You can send us an email at info@kemkidsco.com, or use the chat box located on the right-hand side of our website.